Nutritional Anemia and the Indian Perspective: A Review

Riaz Mehdi

Department of Hematopathology, Era Lucknow Medical College, Lucknow, India

*Corresponding Author:Professor Riaz Mehdi. Email: [email protected]

Anemia is a worldwide public health problem affecting 1.62 billion populations worldwide. It is frequently observed among young children and women in the child bearing age, and pregnant women. Nutritional anemia stand for a condition in which the hemoglobin content of the blood is less than normal as a result of a deficiency of one or more essential nutrients; commonly iron, folic acid or vitamin B12. The prevalence of anemia is usually used to approximate the severity of iron deficiency in a population. Iron deficiency anemia is a major health burthen in many countries and, evidence subsists that the prevalence of iron deficiency is more than the prevalence of anemia. Analysis of data on global prevalence of anemia shows that low socioeconomic groups, as many as 66 to 80% of the world’s population, are anemic, primarily because of iron.Anemia has major consequences on human health as well as social and economic development, it is the world’s second leading cause of disability and is responsible for about 1 million deaths a year, of which three-quarters occur in Africa and South-east Asia.

Key words:Nutritional Anemia, Global Prevalence, Iron Deficiency, Indian Perspective

Mehdi R. Nutritional Anemia and the Indian Perspective: A Review. Canad J ClinNutr 2015; 3 (1): 44-58

