Book Description:
Editor: Mostafa I. Waly, MSc, MPH, PhD
Targeted Readership: Postgraduate and Research Level
Binding: ebook
Publication Date: 2020
Book Specifications: Weight: 230 gm/ Width: 18 cm/ Height: 24 cm
ISBN: 978-0-9879532-1-6
Status: Imprint of Global Science Heritage Publisher, Toronto, Canada
Table of Contents:
- About the Authors
- Synopsis of the Book
- Chapter 1: Dietary Bioactive Substances and Phytochemicals
- Chapter 2: Chemoprevention against Cancer by Functional Foods
- Chapter 3: Biochemical and Physiological Aspects of Functional Foods
- Chapter 4: Epigenetics Effect of Functional Foods
- Chapter 5: Metabolic Regulations and Tolerable Upper Limit of Functional Foods
- Index