Leila Sadeghi1, Rute Giga Espanhol2, Pascale Olivia Schwarz1, Nuno Borges2, Helena Jenzer1*
1Bern University of Applied Sciences, Health Division, R&D Nutrition & Dietetics,Murtenstrasse 10, CH-3008 Bern, Switzerland. 2 Faculty of Nutrition and Food Sciences of the University of Porto, RuaDr. Roberto Frias, 4200-465 Porto, Portugal
*Corresponding Author:Professor Helena Jenzer. E-mail: [email protected]
The purpose of the present paper is to critically review and discuss the possible clinical applicability of nutritional genomics relevant to dietitian’s future practice. Ethical, legal and social aspects of genetic testing will also be addressed. A critical review of recently published papers was undertaken and revealed that Molecular and genetic epidemiological studies indicate that diet-gene interactions affect the risk of developing chronic diseases. However, these are early results, which are limited and frequently not reproducible. We concluded that dietary advice based on genetic tests is gaining popularity among practitioners. Dietitians should follow closely the research that is being published as it may play an increasing role in their daily practice in the near future.
Keywords: Nutrigenomics, Nutritional Genomics, Genetic Tests, Personalized Nutrition, Dietetics
Citation: Sadeghi L, Espanhol RG, Schwarz PO, Borges N, Jenzer H. Nutritional Genomics for Dietitians: Bridging the Gap. Canad J ClinNutr 2017; 5 (2): 6-21.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14206/canad.j.clin.nutr.2017.02.02