Tasleem Raza1*, Faisal Ahmed1, Farzana Mahdi1
1Department of Biochemistry, Era’s Lucknow Medical College and Hospital, Lucknow, India-226003
*Corresponding Author:Dr.Tasleem Raza. Email: [email protected]
The present review is an elucidation over the medicinal herbs, products and plants. In this article, more than forty five plants have been mentioned, separated with their relevant therapeutic applications in special context to diabetes and other common complications. Every effort is made to identify these plants on the basis of current scientific literature on herbal medicine based on coherent scientific reasoning and inferences. No in-depth study of botany or chemistry is intended: the main objective of the work is to understand the multi-faceted potential applications in a proper scientific perspective.
Key words:Herbs, Herbal Formulation, Diabetes, Management.
Raza TS, Ahmed F, Mahdi F.Empirical approach towards herbal management of diabetes: a review. Canad J ClinNutr 2014; 2 (2): 60-87
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14206/canad.j.clin.nutr.2014.02.06