Nutrition Education as a Community Perspective Approach

Mostafa I. Waly
Food Science and Nutrition Department, College of Agricultural and Marine Sciences, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman
*Corresponding Author Email Address: [email protected]

Nutrition science is a basic thought for understanding of human nutrition and the nutritional aspects of food. Education is considered as an evidence-based intervention that utilizes a community-based participatory and empowerment building approach for the primary prevention of chronic diseases. The definitions of nutrition education ranges from very narrow (knowledge dissemination) to complex descriptions of a multi-faceted discipline. The majority now include a dimension of behavior change or voluntary modification of dietary practices as the intended outcome. Only one definition mentions policy level. Virtually all of the definitions imply that nutrition education is coming from outside rather than as self-directed learning. Study of nutrition education, often called community nutrition, is most often within a nutrition department which is usually aligned with home economics or family studies or sometimes agriculture, but rarely within public health. Behavior change communication and nutrition education serve to create awareness and transmit knowledge and enable people to change their practices. The nutrition education is a common tool through on-line searches of government documents, mission statements, professional publications and textbooks. The present systematic review represents that interventions is required to promote healthy eating between and within countries, and between and within entities implementing or supporting such interventions. The two most common intervention programs are nutrition education and behavior change communication.

Keywords: Education, Nutrition, Community, Methodology, Behaviour

Citation: Waly MI. Nutrition Education as a Community Perspective Approach. Canad J Clin Nutr 2018; 6 (2): 126-131.

